Parent Survey
We care about your perception and thoughts of our facility and the level of care you expect and receive for your child. In an effort to ensure that we are providing the best childcare possible, we ask that you take a few minutes and complete the survey below. These questions are designed to gauge how we are doing and where we need to focus our time and energy as we embark on making several improvements to our facility and the curriculum we provide our students.
You may provide your name but is not required to foster trust and confidentiality so you can be as candid as possible with your answers - we're relying on your honest truth so we can make necessary changes where needed!!!
If you have more than one child enrolled at The Center, please fill a separate survey for each one as this reflects also on the class and not just the facility.
Thank you for your valuable time to answer the survey questions honestly as we feel that this is a great tool to help us meet your needs and expectations for one of the greatest gifts God trusted you with as parents!
It is with great honor that we get to spend our days with your children and helping them explore their new world together. Thank you again for your trust in our program and Center.